
Disclaimer Page for KBE – DAYLILIES & MORE

A Disclaimer – Regarding This Blog

A Chapter on the Disclaimer on this Blog By Karen Nesbitt(c)2019


This Blog is for informational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or any other authority.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

This Blog may contain links to affiliates that the author may or may not receive royalties, commissions, trades or other compensation in association with the posts made to any links throughout its entirety.

The events in this blog are events from the author’s experience and not intended for anything other than information on those experiences.

If you try any recipes or methods used in this blog, you do so solely at your own risk. What works for the author may or may not necessarily work for you as results may vary due to many factors.

Any commercial products used by the author, listed or shown does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of that product. However, the author may reference a product that it is recommended or maybe not. Authors failures or successes with a product does not necessarily mean the product is inferior. Please purchase and form your own opinions about any products that may be used in this blog.

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