
*Blog Index

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5 thoughts on “Blog

  1. New blogs are very exciting. They are also very challenging when you first set out. I currently have several circulating! I hope that as this blog grows, my audience finds enjoyment in the pages to come. Here you will find daylilies that we grow at our ranch, short articles about them, blog pages connected to another blog that we have, many photos, and what blog would not be complete without merchandise that is associated with it. Don’t forget many links and also affiliates. So here we go. Enjoy, add your comments, share like, and if you have any questions, there is our contact page for you to get in touch!


  2. 4-8-21 – Our garden is greening up. I have already been in the process of digging and dividing with my first “victim” of the season a lovely bicolor daylily called Frans Hals. Check out my pages! And welcome aboard!


  3. The gardens are winding down. We have mowed the majority of the beds and the daylilies are starting to grow. Hopefully, I will find some time to get back to updating this blog. I took a lot of photos of the blooms and am excited to get to logging them. Things are looking much better and less weedy. It has been a nasty year for weeds.


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